
The Black and white Camera

AttributionNoncommercialNo Derivative Works Some rights reserved by Ashley Dinges
Once upon a time it was a camera that only took black and white pictures. When you could take colorpicture it was trown away, and never found until a boy found it and started to take pictures. The weird thing was that the picture was in color and what he took a picture of was black and white. He thought  he was just dreaming, but he walked to that place many times where  he had taken the picture and it was still black and white. He decided to throw the camera away  when he got home. He saw the camera lying on his bed, lying there like it never had been moved.

He saw that it were a signature A.R. The boy thought about who was behind the signature. He read books about a man that had taken pictures under the 1930s that were world famous and had taken pictures all around the world. He disappeared when the colorpictures were invented. He hated colors and his name was Arthur Robinson

So the boy said loudly in the room Arthur Robinson! But nothing happened until the night. the boy woke up and saw  the room was in black and white. He walked up and saw  the house was also black and white. When he got out on the street, he saw the hole street was black and white. He saw a flash at the end of the street that got to be the camera. He ran fast to the flash and saw  the camera was flying. He pinched himself but the camera was still flying. He thought that it got to be Arthur holding the camera. He spoke to the ghost and said if you throw the camera away I can help you to take picture again. You know that black and white pictures are popular again.

 Is it true the ghost said with a powerful voice.

 Yes the boy said and showed the ghost a picture in black and white. The ghost threw the camera away and the camera was turned into dust.

The ghost works with taking pictures and sells them under a false name. The street is still black and white today.

1 kommentar:

  1. I must say that you have found a very interresting theme to use in the story. I can honestly say that I do not have that kind of imagination to come up with such a story. It was also easy to follow your story.
